Big Trees series

Si d’aventure au temps des moussons,
Il vous fut arrivé de parcourir les hautes terres,
Vous auriez vu en tout point la vie transpirer du sol.
Inéluctablement, une lente explosion vainquant la gravité,
Le minéral se changer en végétal,
Un peuple de géants repousser le ciel aux étoiles.

Si d’aventure en toute saison
Vous errer à travers les hauts plateaux,
Vous verrez ici et là l’ocre béant du sol effondré par endroits
Écrasé par le ciel jusqu’à un vaste, lointain, triste horizon.
À perte de vue ne reste que le souvenir des géants
Qui peuplaient celle qui fût un temps la „Terre d’Émeraude“.

If by chance in the monsoons time,
You would have traveled the highlands,
You would have seen in every point the life transpiring from the ground.
Inevitably, a slow explosion overcoming gravity,
The mineral changing into vegetable,
A people of giants pushing back the sky to the stars.

If by chance in any season
You wander through the highlands,

You will see here and there the gaping ochre of the ground collapsed by places
Crushed by the sky to a vast, distant, sad horizon.
As far as the eye can see, only remains the memory of the giants
Who populated what once was the “Emerald Land”.

“Big Trees” is a series of black and white big size drawings. They represent, at first sight, tropical tree in a frontal point of view.

As says very appropriately Clara Scremini, “those are not trees, but memories of trees!”.

This series is the result of an introspective and meditative process : reminding sensations from the past, the sketcher recreates those images of trees, coming from the tropical nature of his childhood. They are always treated like signs, like typographic sign in black and white.

The former intension is to give an objective reconing : an herbarium, an alphabet, a cartography of memories.
Though, emotion sweats through the tortured texture of the subject.